Tuesday, March 25, 2008

In Regards to the Assult and Robbery

First let me say that I am touched to have friends who care enough about me to react to my facebook's "headline" in such a way that several have.
As I have already explained a few times, leading me to just post a note, I tend to exaggerate for the sake of a laugh from time to time. Exaggeration and Sarcasm are probably my two favorite past times.
Recently someone my office hired altered their offer letter (which I had written) and forged my name at the end of it only to be caught and fired. The story told in my words is that my identity was stolen. Much more exciting, isn't it? I might even get a gasp and a "Oh WOW, really?"
No, not really.

Last night as I was shopping at the Arlington Teeter, I foolishly declined to carry a basket, therefore I was juggling 18 items in my arms. Maybe it was the 18 items, maybe it was the pint of ben & jerry's smores ice cream that was numbing half of my arm, but I dropped my wallet somewhere in the store.
When I realized it at the check out counter, I retraced my steps and then found that someone had turned it into customer service. They did, however, take my cash first. I'm sure they thought that if they knew it was my wallet and had brought it directly to me, I would have certainly given them all of the cash in my wallet as a reward. Why not.

So, facebook friends, that is what really happened. I was not assaulted during the robbery...I wasn't even present during the robbery.

I will try to be more clear on the details from now on so I do not cause worry, but that just means they will be a lot less exciting.
I'm sorry,
