Saturday, September 27, 2008

Yep, these are my friends.

God love 'em...I know I sure do.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Goodbye Summer See You Next Year Photos

A collection of some of the portraits I took over the summer.

Things that are currently surprising me.

How well I've adjusted to working with children. I'm amazed at how the phrases "Cris Cross Applesauce!" and "1-2-3 Look at Me!" are flowing out of my mouth with ease.

MY mouth!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Not since Monkey Maze have I come across a random computer game that is so addicting! I can't stop playing it!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

check out this

great slideshow... I'm totally jealous.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Don Hertzfeldt

I'm a BIG fan...
a few of my favorites:

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Love Exploded

Sometimes I think that if I were involved in a heavy relationship of my own that I wouldn't be able to be so sensitive to what I see around me...and I would hate to miss what I see.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


This cracked me up. I have no idea who filmed this or WHY, but I found it and think it is hilarious.
So yeah, this is where I work. And that's James behind the bar - my most favorite coworker ever!!!

2 month update...because you didn't ask for it but I'm pretending you did.

On July 1st of this year I made some "mid-year resolutions".
With 4 months remaining, I was curious on my progress. Here is an update:

1. Find a job that I LOVE.

check. I can officially call myself a full-time photographer now. Yay!

2. Stop apologizing so much.

I can't say right now if I have an update on this one. I'll know soon, though. I'm really sorry about that..

3. Spend more time with my Grandmother.

check. BUT...I have plans for more. That should never cease, really.

4. Throw myself into the photo project I've had in my head for over a year now but haven't talked about out loud to anyone.

"Throw" really isn't the right word, but I have been active in both a public and non public project. More to come on that.

5. Keep writing this blog and not caring if anybody reads it!

Ha! Check check check check

6. Stop being "one of the guys" so much and expect to be treated more like the girl I know I am. (When a gentleman opens a car door for you and you don't even RECOGNIZE what he's doing - that's a sign that there's a small problem.)

Looking back on writing this makes me laugh. Whatever I felt like then is far from what I feel now...It's like I cursed myself.

7. Be less selfish and show more appreciation for my friends.

IF it's been done, recognition is not needed. My friends just rock.

8. Rent a booth at a local fair and sell my photos.

CRAP! I think I missed the deadline.

9. Buy a wide lens! (the one resolution to purchase!)

CHECK! 24mm 1.4f lens - all mine, baby!

10. Don't regret any choice I've made, any path I've taken, or ever wearing my heart out on my sleeve. (the hardest resolution) And remember that although I often feel alone - I am surrounded by love.


Bwa Ha Ha

Thanks for the card, Lynsey. I laughed and loved it.

Monday, September 1, 2008

What happened to the gum balls?

You realize what a sad world we live in when your local grocery store is selling "tramp stamps" in the vending machines.

The care bears right next to them are a great contrast, I might add.