Sunday, June 22, 2008


Today was a rare day where I did not work. Lately, if a day goes by that I do not work it is because there is something planned and I cannot work. Not today, though. I spent the entire day in a hammock with a book. It was wonderful.
I chose to read a book of poems by Charles Bukowski that I had bought several years ago. When I opened it, I noticed I had dog-eared a page because I liked it. I reread the poem and decided that I still do.

the strongest of the strange
you won't see them often
for wherever the crowd is
are not.

these odd ones, not
but from them
the few
good symphonies
the few
good books
and other

and from the
best of the
strange ones

they are
their own
their own
their own
their own

sometimes I think
I see
them - say
a certain

a quick face
going the other
in a passing

there's a certain motion
of the hands
of a bag-boy or a bag-
while packing

it is even somebody
you have been
living with
for some
you will notice
lightning quick
never seen
from them
you will only note
some months
some years
after they are

I remember
such a
he was about
20 years old
drunk at
10 a.m.
staring into
a cracked
New Orleans

face dreaming
against the
walls of
the world

did I

Friday, June 20, 2008

ABDC - Episode One

Season TWO. Episode ONE.

This week America's Best Dance Crew started out strong with a routine by SoReal Crew.

Lil' Mama had a lil' trouble with one of crew member's names, though, referring to her as "Alien".

Sure, I can understand the difficulty in remembering the name Eileen...but making the jump to ALIEN?

Speaking of lil' M, I want to give her the benefit of the doubt, I really do, but the woman clearly relies on the other's opinions as a jumping off point. I get the most entertainment when she is called on first. Such as this moment when judging Xtreme:

Mama likey!!........until Shane said a ten year old could dance better.

Ooooooh crap....
If you listen closely you can hear the exact moment lil' Mama changes her opinion to agree with Shane in a faint off screen "it's true".

*one moment*
I haven't yet commented on the wonderful host of the show! Mario Lopez!

I'm sorry. Wrong photo.

There we go... Zach would be proud. Is the next song a MASTER MIX?

This week, JC's two blond statuesque "hot girls" were replaced with two dark haired statuesque "hot girls" and we all very much appreciate the variety.

Back to the dance crews.
I want to give a shout out to the home team who did well this week.


with hard core fans in tow.

Hey crazed fan in the front row, I heart DC too! Sup.

Super Cr3w got the most praise and I have to admit they were my favorite, as well, this week. Not only was the song choice great, but the small details were wonderful. For instance, this little move where they pulled their pants legs up (to the beat) to reveal their red socks - LOVE.

This season's first elimination was between Fanny Pak and Distorted X.

Back to lil' Mama for one quick second because at this point in the show she actually piped up while Shane was speaking to stick up for Fanny Pak. YOU GO LIL M! And with good reason, too. Just look at this exorcist jonks!

Shane then beat the crap out of her for disobeying him.

Sadly, Distorted X was voted off. The tragic love story of Shane and distorted pretty girl has unfortunately come to an end. Personally, I think they were forced apart and thus the voting was fixed. Just look at how she is calling to him from the confinement of her crew!


t breaks my heart...

Good news, though! One of the members of Distorted X will be coming back next week as an ACTUAL fanny pack in the group Fanny Pak!

Overall, great first episode. I am looking forward to seeing where the season takes us. In the words of the great Shane Sparks - "I see potential".

Friday, June 13, 2008

ABDC - My One Reality TV Addiction

I finally got the chance to sit down and watch the pre-season audition madness for America's Best Dance Crew TWO tonight. This one looks to be as ridiculously fun as the first...with some interesting plot twists that couldn't be better if Mtv planned it...and that is something they would NEVER do.

First of all, it was good to see JC again along with his two strategically placed "hot girls" behind him. I noticed this happening last season, but he must have had them written into his contract or something because -poof- there they were again - two pillars of blondness surrounding him.

I imagine when he is finished judging for the evening that he stands up and holds out his arms, elbows bent, and they just step forward linking arms with him and all walk off together. Off to go be beautiful at another location...

Lil' Mama was back again, but she still has not brought her own opinions.

Here she is reminding the crews for the 18th time that this is season TWO and they all need to STEP IT UP. Got it. What's Shane saying? Ok now paraphrase.

Here is a shot of a group being told they made it to the live auditions. They are the first all latina group the show has seen. Their name is "Shhhh..." because while in line at auditions arguing with each other over what their group name should be (yes, this is the point that topic came up for the first time), someone told them to shut the F up. There you go. didn't make it past the first show...

Favorite so far:

Not only is one of the members completely deaf, but the silliness and friendship between them was fun to watch. Not to mention they can really dance.

This crew was being judged and laughed at from the second they stepped foot on stage.

But when they danced they shut everyone up

Even JC admitted he was judgemental and "slapped in the face"...he then quickly added another hot chick to his posse.

Oh, and about that little not-planned plot twist I mentioned earlier, turns out Supreme Soul beat Jabbawockeez in a BATTLE before Jabbawokeez won the first season...and here they are on season two. Already talkin' smack. Lil' Mama ain't ganna be havin' that!



Another favorite and nice tricks:


I will close by saying keep an eye on this hot onscreen flirtation -

There's something there - I'm callin' it.